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Our Impact

At Mwezi Blu, we strongly believe in the transformative power of education. That is why we are committed to supporting educational charities in Zambia and Kenya through our jewellery sales. By donating 10% of our proceeds, we aim to make a meaningful impact on the lives of children and young people in these communities, helping to unlock their full potential and create a brighter future for all.

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Art Reach Zambia


Art Reach Zambia is a creative project supported by Project Luangwa, a UK and Zambia registered charity.

Art Reach provides creative education to kids in the rural village of Mfuwe, Zambia. Currently schools do not provide art classes as part of school curriculum. In 2011 two renown artists, Pam Ghurs Carr and Godbish Bishoba set up a local initiative to change that. Art Reach provides weekend art classes and creative projects, such as The Baobab Project in collaboration with Tribal Textiles, which attract up to 200 kids each week. The project also sponsors 24 Art Reach children to go to school, by covering their school fees and providing school kits. 

Support Art Reach & Project Luangwa by clicking on the links below:

Kumbatia CBO


Kumbatia is a non-profit organization that provides children from the slums with safety, nutrition, and education. They work tirelessly to empower young, single mothers who are returning to work or school after giving birth. By providing free childcare Kumbatia ensures that women can get an education, or work to provide for their families, knowing that their children are safe, loved, and well cared for. 

"At Kumbatia we believe that education is power. By providing a nonprofit daycare, we allow young mothers (often 12-15 years old) to return to school."

Once daycare children turn 3 years old Kumbatia finds them sponsors and pays for them to go to school. You can help Kumbatia sponsor a child for $35 a month. Check out their website for more information on how you can help.

Follow Kumbatia on Instagram:


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